Help! I might jump out of a plane at 11,000 feet!

So my chances of dying during a tandem skydive are at worst 1 in 250,000. So what! If I don’t do it I will avoid the opportunity to be  that lucky one, the remembered statistic. I am fully aware that driving in a car is dangerous and that more people die from snake bites than skydiving every year, but I’m still not convinced that I need to do it.

I love rollercoasters and I have experienced a ripcord fall of about 150 feet, but that is more than 10,850 less feet than if I skydive. My wife is doing it, but I’m already fully aware that she is tougher than I am. So why even consider it, you ask? Why jump out of a well functioning plane? I’m still not sure. Will I accept my cowardice or will I pull untapped courage out of some hidden recess in the corner of my mind? I only have about 30 hours to decide.